Creating classroom values through daily intentions


Daily intentions, special words of kindness and empathy, that can be visualized and physicalized, form the foundation of our social/emotional framework. As an extension of our daily mindfulness routine, teachers select special words (intentions) based on observations and values that they want to cultivate in the classroom, establishing a classroom culture with a shared set of moral principles.

What are daily intentions in the classroom?

Our Workshop

1.5 hours on Zoom or in your school. Contact us to learn more.

  • “The beautiful building blocks you put into place with our children continue to be reflected in V. This does influence all of our family members. Our sweet child continues to model self awareness and reflection at a scale that at times astounds me.”

    Rebecca, parent

  • “Thank you for teaching these in class - Naming these important values and putting them in easily comprehensible terms have definitely encouraged B (and the rest of the family too) to integrate them into his day-to-day.”

    Gina, parent

  • “As soon as T learns a new intention, she is excited to teach it to us at home. Then, she will point out examples of it when she notices them. One day her older brother was upset that he lost a board game. T was trying to comfort him and said ‘O, you were persistent, you kept going.’”

    Jill, parent

  • “There have been a few times when T comes home and tells me about her day that she is able to see an obstacle and overcome it mentally without it overtaking her whole day. For example, she told me she had a lunch partner who she did not like. Before I even responded she paused and said, actually it's not that I don't like him, it is just not what I was expecting - but anyway lunch was still good. It seems so small but there have been a number of these moments and she actually says out loud ‘Oh this is not what I was hoping for, so maybe I'll just try something else’. What a wonderful thing it is to witness.”

    Carli, parent

  • "In my years utilizing the Intentions Curriculum in a preschool classroom, I observed students take accountability and own their actions. When young children are trusted with community care through intentions such as "integrity", "openness", and "generosity", it builds their excitement and independence around strong decision-making! As an educator immersed in this curriculum, I found myself offering me and my students more grace as we all learned together how to be more mindful and compassionate friends and community members. I have been lucky enough to stay in relationship with some past students and families, and have been witness to the power of the intentions curriculum when implemented in the home as well."

    Claire F, Theater Creator and Educator

  • "Karen and Ananbelle's workshop on introducing Intentions into our preschool really expanded our thinking about practicing mindfulness with young children. The children's response is positive and very immediate. We just introduced the idea this week and have already had parents asking us where they can purchase a "breathing ball" for home. Their practice benefits children, teachers and parents in developing common tools of support and resourcefulness. We can't wait to see where the continued practice throughout the school year takes us! "

    Preschool Director

Meet the Team

A flexible methodology for developing a group of kind, empathetic changemakers.